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Welcome to the
ABM Answered Library

1,000+ Snappy Solutions To Your Biggest Headaches

Your CEO might ask you how to solve a problem.


Instead of spending 60 minutes trying to navigate through a long webinar or reading blog posts to find the answer.


Get 10x proven solutions based on experience by watching 1-3min responses in 30mins from other marketers.

Real-World Application

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Online Interviews

Quick fire interviews with Sam where we pose marketers with the most recent up-to-date challenges.

IRL Interviews

On special occasions we hold studio shoots where we mix up the format and dive deeper into ABM.

Where does the content come from?

Welcome to the
Account-Based Marketing Library

1,000+ Snappy Solutions To Your Biggest Headaches


Learn from the best Account Based Marketers around

✅ Get access to the ABM Answered Library with over 1,000+ ABM solutions to your biggest headaches.

✅ Be connected with our account-based marketers through warm intros

✅ Our writers will take our interviews and create a an article for our ABM Blog.

Let's chat ABM!

✅ Get published across our socials: LinkedIn, Spotify, Youtube.

✅ Access to exclusive ABM reports and ABM tools 

✅ Get a folder of professionally edited short-form clips for your social channels.

To get access, you need to contribute wisdom

Organised short-form video answers to your biggest ABM & Demand Generation challenges.


Content is based on current challenges identified from 1000+ Account-based-marketers.


This 1st-party data is collected directly from interviews and using Mixed Reality Rooms.

If you want fast answers ChatGPT has them but our bet is you want to lean into the experience of other marketers, doing your role, in your industry who have faced the exact same problem you are having.

What is the ABM Library?


Corrina Owens

WOW! What an incredible resource. Kudos to you for pulling this together for the community. Mind blown!

Mariska van Beukering

It’s so exciting to see this platform being launched. All the valuable ABM conversations in one location

Matt Laybourn

This is amazing, a treasure-chest of the latest insights on all things ABM. Huge fan of what you've created!

Vasileios Kospanos

Honoured to be among all these ABM geniuses!
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